It’s Ball Season Y’all…

It’s been a tough year on the gardens with the heat and lack of rain but the tomatoes are pulling through and the canner has been rolling weekly. While jars are processing in the water bath canner, I decided to take a minute to update some things on the website and catch up on some of the backend business things.

If you haven’t already done so, take a look at the shop tab. I’ve changed how online orders for pickup and delivery will be placed. It’s a bit challenging selling meat online since our products are sold by the pound, and given this time of year when farmers’ markets are in full swing, it’s too much to keep inventory updated online. Too many times orders had been placed via the website and certain weights of a particular cut were sold at market and not caught in time to be put back to fulfill orders - we are a small farm, not Kroger’s, so I’m not sitting on an endless stockpile of ribeyes to pull from! So I’ve created a new online form customers can fill out and I’ll follow up with an invoice to be paid in person or online. This makes my life easier and frees up time updating online inventories that can be spent on production efforts on the farm. So, please check it out and give me some feedback on the new way of ordering things.

The farmers’ markets have been booming this year! Thanks so much for coming out and supporting local farmers and the local economy. We underestimated our anticipated product sales this year, selling out quickly… which is a blessing, yet I hate being out of product, so thank you for your support and being patient with us as we try to keep up. It’s so great to talk to you all at market and I’m finding more and more people are becoming aware of how corrupt the food system can be and the importance of clean meat and localized food.

I will get back to the pasta sauce I have going on in the kitchen… until next time 🍅


Where’s the BEEF?!?


The Farm is Open!!