Pasture-Raised Poultry

We decided early on before we got the first chicken that we wanted to raise them the most natural way - on green grass, outdoors with fresh air and sunlight, and not confined to tight, indoor living conditions. We rotationally graze our birds with a combination of chicken tractors moved daily and with electric netting, giving our birds safe and optimal living conditions while improving and fertilizing the grazing pastures used for our beef cattle. We strive to be good stewards of the land, always working to be as sustainable as possible.

We supplement our bird’s diet with non-GMO and antibiotic-free feed and we never introduce growth-promoting hormones. We are very conscientious of what we consume and want to offer that same level of quality to you and your family.


Whole Chicken & Chicken Cuts

Raised on pasture, our chickens are given fresh grass daily and their diet is supplemented with non-GMO feed. No hormones, no antibiotics, no steroids.



Ground Turkey, Drumsticks & Wings Available

Reserve your Thanksgiving Turkey

Broad-Breasted White Turkeys are available for your 2024 Thanksgiving table.

Estimated weights from 12-15+ lbs.


Learn more about the birds we raise and our favorite chicken recipes…