It’s a new year y’all!

Happy New Year! I’m not one for celebrating many holidays or special occasions… in fact, last night as the clock struck 12:00 I was in bed reading a biography on George Washington while listening to my dog snore (and I was perfectly ok with that) … but I woke up this morning feeling anxious and excited to get 2021 started.

I’m sure we’re all ready to put 2020 behind us, but this morning I couldn’t help but reflect back on the past year.  We had hardships and disappointments, and things didn’t quite go the way we thought they would. To be honest, I had a hard time staying optimistic with the COVID cloud of doom and gloom hanging over our heads, and to say my trust and reliance on the Lord was tested would be an understatement.

I feel fairly certain I had COVID back in mid-march and was down a good month. We sold out of beef extremely fast due to food shortages, and then we couldn’t get into a processor to restock (the cornerstone of what we planned to build our farm business upon). Jeremiah didn’t go to work for almost 2 months and I had made the decision prior to the pandemic to step away from my design career and focus on the farm… and farming’s not cheap so that was another level of stress not knowing what the financial future held. I found myself asking, “what am I doing??” and “have I made a huge mistake??”

But everything turned out just fine, in fact, more than fine. We kept pushing and the Lord remained faithful as He always does, and even though the future is still filled with unanswered questions and uncertainty, I woke up excited this morning, ready to see what 2021 holds for us. 

I’ve mentioned it before, but I could say it a million times, I’m so thankful for everyone that’s supported our farming endeavor to raise quality food in a sustainable manner.  This first year for me has been challenging but y’all have been beyond encouraging! I never imagined, nor planned on doing this whole farming thing (that’s a post in itself), but I’m certain this is where the Lord has placed me and I’m looking forward to the road ahead!  I hope you all stay safe and healthy. May 2021 be good to you all! Here’s to a happy new year!

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My favorite season… Sugar Season!


Why We Raise Heritage Breeds